Saturday, April 3, 2010

Building Team - Last Day

The goal of the day was to get the playground installed and "fixed" into our newly cemented play area - all by 10 a.m.! Originally I had said Noon - but the families from our community were coming to prepare food for the Khmer Tet celebration that we really needed to get out of the way.

Our team leaders on the previous day figured out how to weld a steel plate to the playground base so then it could then be bolted into the cement. That would be needed as 40-50 children are going to jump on it at the same time! One of our Building team members also bought rubber mats to be placed in some "key" places and of course no playground is complete until we have a ship's wheel installed! We also put up some very cool "sail" shades over the area. We could probably use 3 more but it was enough to keep the parts from getting too hot in the sun! Our kids absolutely loved it - there were some that just went up and down the slide for a few hours and couldn't stop smiling! Thanks so much!!!!

The house is well on its way to completion in the next 10 days. Unfortunately our team couldn't finish it in our four days. But we left it in good hands with the construction workers. The roof work is more detailed and then there will be stucco added to the outside of the house. The building team has worked so hard in the heat - no one volunteered to "switch" to the team, but a true testament was that no one was asked to be off the building team either! Everything was done by 1:00 p.m. and there was definitely a sense of accomplishment!

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