Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Medical Team - Tuesday

From the Peterson Family's blog:

Tuesday started and ended similarly as Monday. We ate at a local Vietnamese restaurant which was very good. It is all very exhausting. We have to meet at 6:30 am and go eat. Then we take a bus to the restaurant and eat and then go to the medical center. We set up all of the stations (everything and I mean everything must be removed and taken away in the evening so it will not be removed during the night) and then the people are allowed to come through. They go through various stations with nurses (after registration) and then doctors if necessary and flouride treatments for the kids and hearing and vision test and then blood draws and vaccinations (if they have been tested).

The police came today and took some medicine but left it when they realized there was no profit. One of the translators I was with was so mad but there is nothing you can do. As it was when I was here the last time, the people seem to work around the system and seem to have a lot of spirit. They are very nice overall and love the children.

Anyway it was a very long day and now we start again on Wednesday. Hopefully it will go well and it will definitely be hot.

*Caroline's notes:
The volunteer Vietnamese doctors from the hospital are no longer with us so our numbers have drastically decreased. But now we have an actual "line" of patients instead of a mob of them waiting for us. Now at each table there's a care provider, a translator, and a patient - and most importantly breathing space. We would LOVE to have a dentist or a whole bunch of them for the next expedition. I think most of the children's ailments could be solved if we extracted their abscessed, infected teeth! On Tuesday we saw 229 patients!

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